Sagelight Tutorial Videos

Below are tutorials for various aspects and features of Sagelight.  The tutorials are geared to help you get the most out of your image with Sagelight. They are typically in the 3-5 minute range, except for the Quick Edit Mode tutorial, which is 9 minutes.

All videos play in HD and are 1280x720 when played in full-screen mode (which is recommended)

Introduction to the Quick Edit Mode

In this tutorial, I describe the Quick Edit Mode. First, I show how it can make a dramatic change in your image with just a couple slider movements, and then I delve deeper into it to show how the Quick Edit Mode lets you simply enhance your image by just experimenting with Sagelight, without knowing anything about image editing -- though you can get more into it by opening the Histogram window and seeing the histogram and generated (composite) curves in real-time.

Auto Levels and Auto Color Tutorial

In this video, I describe the Auto Levels and Auto Color box. This is usually the first thing to do when you load a picture, because it can balance your image and get rid of any color casts. It will also brighten your picture if it needs it, as well.

A couple examples are shown, both with pretty noticeable color problems -- I used these as examples, but even pictures that don't seem to have any problems can be helped quit a bit with the Auto Levels/Auto Color.

Also see the other video relate to this, regarding the best way to get a balanced picture in Sagelight.

Getting the best Automatic Balance for your image

This describes how to put one extra little step in your workflow to get the best automatic balanced picture possibe.

In the Auto Levels & Auto Color video (it is not necessary to view that view to understand this one), I described a 'first step' to help your image out -- I also describe by balancing your image can be a good thing to do at first.

This adds one small 'hit or miss' procedure that can make a huge difference in your images. It's a good first step when you want to enhance your images.

Photo Filter & Gradient

The Photo Filter (and Gradient) filter is described. In the Photo Filter, you can add a photographic filter across your image in various modes.

You can use the Gradient Control inside this function to add a smooth or sharp toned gradient across your image. You can also use the contrast controls inside this function to change how the filter blends.

Vignette Effect Tutorial

In this tutorial, I discuss the Vignette Effect menu, where you can add a vignette of different sizes and shapes, transparency values, softness, etc.

You can also change the vignette to white for a soft look, and add contrast to make the vignette blend in so that it doesn't have the 'vignette look'.